Coming Soon

Something great in development

k i l d e a s u n g


website content

Content Description

I am Daniel Kil 

I am gonna be uploading blog posts, videos, pictures, drawings, etc. pretty much anything that I find inspiring or I make. Even though I am not that good I like to make music, take pictures, and draw things here and there.

Soon I will be moving back to my home town in Mexico where I previously lived for 10 years before moving to the U.S. 10 years ago. I will be working in a job but I want to share my experiences and ideas/thoughts that I have about me or the world.

I am a Christian and I understand that many individuals have a negative view on Christianity due to hypocrisy, being anti-gay, anti-feminist, etc. and the reality is that we have hurt many people. I follow the living word of God and the greatest commandants in the Bible are: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind ... And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39 ESV) Therefore I want to do my best to show you that I love you and somehow show that you are loved by the Creator of the universe through what I upload on my website.

That being said I love to lead worship and would love to worship at any opportunity given to me! If you want to meet up, talk to me, lead worship at your church or event, send me an email in the CONTACT section below. 

ALSO please send me any prayer request, questions, testimonies, etc. I would love to know what God has been doing in your LIFE :)



E-mail Me Here

I hate notification so I respond very quickly :) feel free to DM me on any platform

Daniel Kil